Use the FAQ below to get answers to our most popular questions. Can't find what your looking for? Shoot us an email at
I have been blocked and cannot access my account. What happened?
You may have been reported. Anyone can report a person on the RLOVE platform. We immediately suspend reported accounts until the issue is resolved. If you feel you were reported by mistake and would like to dispute the issue, contact
How do I block or report somebody?
On the discover view, scroll to the bottom of their profile. Tap the "block/report" button. This will alert our team to suspend the user's account. In the message view, you can tap the icon in the upper right to block/report.
Why did my photo get moderated or taken down?
RLOVE can take down any photos that violate the guidelines. This keeps the platform fun and safe for everyone. Your photo may have been blocked for the following reason:
- The photo contains erotic content
- You're wearing swimwear or underwear. Swimwear is OK in a pool or beach setting, but no bathroom mirror selfies or similar are allowed
- Your photo is of someone under 18 by themselves
- Your face is not clearly visible for some reason. This can include the image file being too small, your face being obscured, or too many filters being used
- Your photo contains a watermark
- Your photo has a caption or text laid over it
- You have uploaded a photo of someone who is not you
- Your photo contains firearms
Is RLOVE free or do I get charged?
RLOVE is 100% free for a limited time. This may change in the near future. We'll keep you posted when if/when this happens.
How do I cancel my account?
Send en email to to cancel your account.